I bought this bag for work. Before I bought it, I looked at several others around the same price category. While this one wasn’t the sturdiest of the group, it was the lightest and easiest to manage so I went with it. The good news is, it’s super cute and has the right number of easy to reach pockets. It is much lighter than others in the same price range. The pink color is so pretty and it doesn’t look cheap. On the other hand, it doesn’t hold quite as much as I expected and when it’s full the buckles “creak” as I walk. They are plastic so we’ll see how long they last. Also, if you have pets, you might not like the soft cloth exterior. But overall, it’s a good price for what you’re getting – a lightweight, easy to use bag that won’t strain your shoulder and looks great. I’m happy I chose it despite a few drawbacks.